Books available on Amazon

The Australian Brave Heart

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Book Review by Rod Christensen, author of 'Terra Australis: Dawn of a New Era.'

From time to time authors connect with their times, and more importantly, with what God is saying for a people group. Some also have a finesse to take the readers on an expositional journey. Australian author, Kerrie Christensen, has authored just such a book in ‘The Australian Brave Heart.’ Kerrie Christensen has picked up on the flow and timing of heaven for Australia.

The old adage, if you don’t understand where you have been, then the way forward will be obscured, rings true in this book. Kerrie discovers the well-worn path trod by our forefathers and takes you back there. She then paints an adequate picture of the cost those early settlers paid for Australia’s founding: the hardships, battles and difficulties that the early settlers endured to birth and establish Australia as a nation.

If you have ever wondered why you respond the way you do, you will first need to understand your birthright. This historical adventure takes you to places that will help all Aussies to understand the unique place they hold and the great potential we each hold in our hearts. As you read Australian Brave Heart, your heart will be refreshed and pride in your heritage will rise up within you.

This is a very timely account of our past. But it does not leave you in the past. It provides a vision for the future.  A great read and will become a must read for all who want to rediscover their heritage. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

'The Australian Brave Heart' goes free today at 4pm Perth time!

Happy Australia Day!

Luv Kerrie ♥

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The Australian Brave Heart

Newly released on Amazon!

From the early convict era right up to the present time, 'the Australian Brave Heart' looks at the adventures of those early pioneers who blazed a trail in this sunburnt country, overcoming amazing odds, to make the way for the birthing of a great nation.

It looks at the very real, strong stuff that this nation was made of. This was not a place for the heartless nor the fearful. It was a country hungry for pioneers; a people with blazing spirits who would arise to bring forth the astounding treasures that lay undiscovered in this great land.

These early pioneers went where many would have even feared to tread. They went to great lengths to subdue the land, and they won. And out of their struggles and trials, a nation sprang up and prospered.

THIS HEART, THIS COURAGE, THIS STRENGTH endures today for all Australians and is there for the taking. And the best is yet to come!

God has earmarked a people in this nation who will be overcomers and who will trumpet the sounds of freedom in every other nation to where He calls them. It’s not a call for the faint-hearted nor is it a call to the weak; it is a call to the fearless and the brave, who will take of the spirit that Christ puts upon them, run the race with fiery zeal, and capture many souls for the kingdom of Christ.

Now is Australia's time. This book is about that time and is a must-read for every Australian believer. We are on the verge of something huge. It's about to begin! 


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The prophets are all declaring this is Australia's time; that Australia is on God's timeclock right now. And it must be! This month both my  husband and I are launching books that speak to the very heart of this great nation, Australia.

'The Australian Brave Heart' is a historical look at the Pioneer heart that God has birthed within this nation - right from our early days as a convict settlement to the current era. What God has ear-marked for this nation is breath-taking. We're in for the ride of our lives!

Here's a sneak peek at the Prologue of 'The Australian Brave Heart'. Enjoy!


It is my conviction, after  much studying, research and revelation that this great nation of ours, Australia, was explored, settled and established by men and women of extraordinary courage and bravery in circumstances that the average person could not possibly imagine or even tolerate.

My heart goes out to the early convicts, settlers, and colonial folk who first settled in this sunburnt land. Truly they knew the raw meaning of heartache and pain. This barren land was at most, unforgiving and difficult to bear. The heat, the harsh terrain, the never-ending lack of water, and impenetrable mountainous regions, made this one of the most difficult lands to subdue.

Yet these hardy men and women fought valiantly against all odds, defeating every formidable obstacle that arose in their way, and ultimately overcame in this country that we now lovingly call Australia.

Theirs was not an easy task nor was it easily won, and if you look around at Australian believers today, I think you will still find something of the tenacity and fortitude of these early pioneers.

I have written this book, The Australian Brave Heart, with more than one purpose in mind. First of all, I wanted to honor and brag on these early pioneers who gave their all to pave the way for the rest of us who now enjoy the benefits of their discoveries. And secondly, and probably more importantly, I wanted to give you a glimpse into the heart and the calling of this great nation.

I believe with all my heart that God has carved out a special place and purpose for all who would call themselves Australian. I believe there is a portion of God’s breath upon this nation that has fashioned and formed the very heart of all who are touched by this grace. I believe there is a yearning and a brooding of the Spirit of God over this nation to bring forth sons and daughters who are pioneers in the very truest sense of the word, carrying a breakthrough heart to their generation, and indeed, to the very ends of the earth.

I heartily believe that there is a purpose of God written upon this nation to birth pioneers and forerunners who carry a blazing torch within their hearts for freedom. I believe there is a spirit of the pioneer upon us as a nation, and we are called as a people to open up the way for others, bringing freedom and deliverance wherever we go.

This book is written to follow the trail and the spirit of many adventurers who have opened up the way for us to go even further. It is written from a historical perspective so that we can understand all who have gone before, helping us to realize and treasure the very real, strong stuff that this nation was made of. This was not a place for the heartless nor the fearful. It was a country hungry for pioneers; a people with blazing spirits who would arise to bring forth the astounding treasures that lay undiscovered in this great land.

These early pioneers went where many would have even feared to tread. They went to great and utter lengths to subdue the land, and they won. And out of their struggles and trials, a nation sprang up and prospered.

THIS HEART, THIS COURAGE, THIS STRENGTH endures today for all Australians and is there for the taking. I like to call it the heart of the warrior. A warrior is simply someone who has engaged in, or been experienced in warfare, and therefore knows the struggle, knows the pain, but ultimately also knows the victory.  

God has earmarked a people in this nation who will be overcomers and who will trumpet the sounds of freedom in every other nation to where He calls them. It’s not a call for the faint-hearted nor is it a call to the weak; it is a call to the fearless and the brave, who will take of the spirit that Christ puts upon them, run the race with fiery zeal, and capture many souls for the kingdom of Christ.

And finally, this book is a call to take up arms for the cause of Christ. Not literal arms of course, but spiritual ones, whereby we might become all that Christ has ordained for us as Australian believers, fighting the good fight to win, not for our own sakes, but for others. I hope it will be a healing balm to those who, due to the fierceness of the fight, have retreated to lick their wounds. I pray that this book will re-fire and re-vive the warrior spirit within you, so that you can press onward with a fresh sense of purpose, knowing who you are and that you have been called for such a time as this.

The Australian ‘army’ needs you! You’re a valuable, anointed soldier in the army of the Lord. And there is so much on the inside of you that God has deposited and intends to bring forth. Let Him lead you forth into victory. With Christ we shall overcome.

Mercy, peace and blessing to you in His mighty and wonderful name.  Kerrie.

'The Australian Brave Heart' will be released in the Amazon Kindle Store next week. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hi everyone. This week has been a very special one for me as my husband has released his very first novel. Woo hoo! He's been writing it for 2 years, and to see it finally come to fruition is wonderful beyond words. Following is a review of the book from the editor (me!)

Book Review: 'Terra Australis : Dawn of a New Era by Rodney Christensen.

The story follows the life of a very likeable fellow by the name of Jared. Jared begins to have some really interesting encounters with the Lord, but even more fascinating is the behind the scenes look you get into the angelic realm.

This for me, was one of the highlights of the whole book : you get to enjoy the tale of Jared's life and experience, and it really is a lovely tale, whilst all the time seeing how God and the angels are working behind the scenes to effect this man's sojourn.

Each of the angels in the book has a name and a warm and likeable character. I thoroughly enjoyed their interaction that was so cleverly interwoven throughout the telling of the story.

Jared's journey is a prophetic one and much of what he experiences in the book is an outworking and a culmination of what has been spoken over Terra Australis by Pedro Ferdinand de Quiros, Smith Wigglesworth along with many other modern-day prophets. Reading these prophecies stirred me to the very depths of my being and came to life in a very real way as I watched Jared, his wife, and others around them being swept up in a revival that hit the shores of the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit.

This is exciting reading for every Australian believer. Many have said that this is Australia's time, and that Australia is on God's timeclock right now. The release of this book, Terra Australis: Dawn of a New Era, is cetainly provident given the hour.

If you would like to purchase your own copy, it is now available from the Amazon Kindle store. It will bless your socks off!