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The Australian Brave Heart

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Book Review by Rod Christensen, author of 'Terra Australis: Dawn of a New Era.'

From time to time authors connect with their times, and more importantly, with what God is saying for a people group. Some also have a finesse to take the readers on an expositional journey. Australian author, Kerrie Christensen, has authored just such a book in ‘The Australian Brave Heart.’ Kerrie Christensen has picked up on the flow and timing of heaven for Australia.

The old adage, if you don’t understand where you have been, then the way forward will be obscured, rings true in this book. Kerrie discovers the well-worn path trod by our forefathers and takes you back there. She then paints an adequate picture of the cost those early settlers paid for Australia’s founding: the hardships, battles and difficulties that the early settlers endured to birth and establish Australia as a nation.

If you have ever wondered why you respond the way you do, you will first need to understand your birthright. This historical adventure takes you to places that will help all Aussies to understand the unique place they hold and the great potential we each hold in our hearts. As you read Australian Brave Heart, your heart will be refreshed and pride in your heritage will rise up within you.

This is a very timely account of our past. But it does not leave you in the past. It provides a vision for the future.  A great read and will become a must read for all who want to rediscover their heritage. 

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