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The Australian Brave Heart

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fave Snaps of Kalbarri, Western Australia!

We recently celebrated 30 years of marriage, and to celebrate, we drove up to Kalbarri, Western Australia, where we spent our honeymoon 30 years ago! It was a lot of fun. We visited all our old haunts and swam until our skin was dimpled!

Here are some of my favorite places ever in Kalbarri!

And here were just a few picturesque scenes on the way home:

Aaaaaaagh, Australia, such a lovely country!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Poem for Rodney

I woke up this morning with a poem running through my heart for my beloved.
I've been married to this amazing man for more than 30 years now.
This is for you Rodney:

Like a long playing record that I know so well; a song that I’ve played over and over again. The tune is so familiar yet so very, very precious
Like a kite flying high, so wild and so free - you mesmerize me

Like a freshly baked waffle oozing with honey - so sweet you are to me
Like a chocolate doughnut with brightly colored sprinkles on top - joy of my heart

Playful and kind, wonderful and true
Tenderest of moments I’ve spent with you
King of my heart; my champion you are
Spark to the fire; the flame of my heart
Wonderful companion, dearest of friends
I love you