Books available on Amazon

The Australian Brave Heart

Monday, January 9, 2012


Finally, it's here!

My husband's new book, 'Terra Australis - Dawn of a New Era' has arrived! It's available on Amazon Kindle for just 9.99.

Terra Australis - the Dawn of a New Era, is a novel for its time. It is a prophecy reflecting end-time plans for a chosen nation, Australia.
It will take you on an intergalactic adventure of heavenly proportions, filled with angels and supernatural beings. The novel weaves a significant tapestry of heaven’s plans and purposes for the coming days.
I have read thisI book and I absolutely loved it! I think this book is totally remarkable and such a statement of what God is doing in our times. It is a prophetic novel that depicts what is coming to the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit and it will take your breath away!’
I believe that this book will become in the days ahead, a must-read for every Australian believer. Visit the Amazon Kindle Store and get your copy today!

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